Our mission is to provide the world a secure private place to manage and memorialize life with your closest friends.
We are a bunch of technology nerds with a passion for privacy, software engineering, and cryptology.
IronCircles started off as a hobby project but is growing into something more.
The idea behind IronCircles generated from fatigue of existing social networking platforms that are plagued with ads, fake news, and tons of posts from folks we don't know or care about.
We wanted something quieter. We wanted privacy and intimate conversations with real friends.
We wanted direct control over who gets added to a conversation. We wanted a say in small things, like whether images can be shared outside the app or not. And we wanted the option to control where our data is hosted and for how long, to ensure it was not being used without our permission.
So we built a platform that generates encrypted social networks, so anyone can have one.
The first network was small, running out of the founder's house. Then the platform started to grow, additional networks (IronFurnaces) were generated and we turned our focus to next level privacy features, like user controlled privacy and data preferences, and hidden and guarded Circles.
We are crowdsource testing our Beta now. If you are interested in joining the Beta, links are on the install page.
Copyright 2022 by IronCircles, Inc